I am a Christian. God gave me the ability to juggle, and I am determined to use this ability to His glory whenever possible! The Gospel Juggler teaches all about Christianity whilst entertaining with many stories and routines which can be adapted to fully fit in with your own event.
I have well over 600 routines (using a wide array of Circus Skills and Magic props) at my disposal, so I will be able to match whatever theme you may have and tailor the routines for the ages of the audience and for the stage of faith you require (eg non believers, strong believers, complete mixture)! As most people will never have seen someone juggling while giving a Christian message before, they will become entranced by it and the message will stick in their minds!
Winner of the Creative Arts Competition at the European Puppet Ministry Festival in 2016! Here is my winning performance 🙂
Popular themes:
- PARABLES (the full 60-75min show, or picking a section such as:
God’s Love, Humility, Service & Obedience, Kingdom of God, Prayer, Salvation, Christ’s Return, God’s Love, Wealth for a shorter 10-15min show) - Easter Story
- Jesus is the Light (anti-Halloween message)
- The Meaning of CHRISTmas / The Nativity Story
- Teamwork / Working together as a Church / Perseverance
- Light / Water / The Cross (a trilogy of 15min shows based on these symbolic themes)
- Mercy / Forgiveness
- God’s Wonderful Creation!
- Using your God given Talents
- Characters/Stories in the Bible (Joseph in Egypt, Daniel and the Fiery Furnace, Paul in Damascus, Jonah running away from God, Wisdom of Solomon etc – pick a Bible story and I can build a show around it)!
- You are Special To God
- Taking Risks and Trusting in God
- Patronal Festival (celebrating the Birth of John the Baptist)
- The Story of Pentecost
Sharing God’s Word using short entertaining and challenging routines featuring the use of juggling, comedy, magic, Circus Skills, challenges, audience participation and songs. This is particularly effective with an all-age audience, but can equally be used during a visit to a Youth/Childrens club, Praise Party or any other kind of outreach. The shows can be as little as 5mins long (included as part of a Circus Skills Workshop or perhaps the Children’s Address during a Sunday Service), or they can be much longer (anywhere up to 1hr). I can perform the same or a different show several times during your event if you would like to make sure that most people at your event get the chance to see the show! The show can be interspersed with secular juggling (juggling with no Christian message – just good clean entertainment).
Please visit my Gospel Juggling YouTube Playlist to see a small selection of these routines, and leave some comments if you have time!
I am a member of
Christian Jugglers Association (CJA) |
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Every event is unique, and usually a pick n mix of the following activities is the best option for your occasion:
Performance during the Church Service:
A 10-20 minute slot instead of the usual Children’s address and/or Main Sermon, or as part of the service, which can be completely tailored to the theme of your choosing. My Juggling Testimony can also be used effectively during this time!
Testimony Juggling Routine
My testimony of how I became a Christian, can be performed as a 10-15 minute juggling presentation which is ideal as part of an outreach event. The testimony draws parallels between growing in faith and growing in juggling skills, building up to some amazing tricks, all which highlight that God has given us all skills to use to further his kingdom and that we need to recognise what these skills are and use them, as well as encouraging each another. This can be performed as part of a longer show (eg 30min or 1hr) or performed at the end of a Circus Skills Workshop or during a Church Service. You can read my testimony here.
Gospel Juggling Show
Sharing God’s Word using short entertaining and challenging routines featuring the use of juggling, comedy, magic, Circus Skills, challenges, audience participation and songs. This is particularly effective with an all-age audience, but can equally be used during a visit to a Youth/Childrens club, Praise Party or any other kind of outreach. The shows can be as little as 10min long and included as part of a Circus Skills Workshop, or they can be much longer (anywhere up to 1hr). I can perform the same or a different show several times during your event if you would like to make sure that most people at your event get the chance to see the show! The show can be interspersed with secular juggling (juggling with no Christian message – just good clean entertainment) if you would prefer for me to gather a crowd before performing the message part of the show. You can view my 3.5min showreel below to see me in action!
Steve’s 1hr+ One Man Gospel Juggling Shows
More details available on my specially created page here. Steve’s 1hr One Man Gospel Juggling Show.
NEW – The Parables Gospel Juggling Show – running time approx 60-75mins (or 90mins including an interval). Let Steve take you on a Circus Skills-filled journey through the Parables found in the Bible which break down nicely into covering topics such as Humility, God’s Love for us, God’s Values, Wealth, Service and Obedience, Prayer etc. Each section of Parables is enough to form a stand-alone show of approx 10-15mins in length.
Fire Gospel Juggling Show
This can be used as a stand-alone 10-15min show where I teach about Christianity while performing and entertaining with all sorts of fire props (balls, clubs, fire fans, levistick, skipping rope, devilstick, diabolo, staff etc). It can also be used as the finale for my 1hr Gospel Juggling Show, as long as we are able (and willing) to move the entire audience from their comfy and warm Church seats to an outdoor location for the final part of the show! This can be very effective and powerful and it can be added onto other activities that I am hired for on the day or used by itself. Mainly requested at Church BarBQ’s and night-time Youth events (must be performed outdoors though)! More information about my fire juggling here.
Circus Skills Workshops
Popular during Holiday Clubs where I can deliver a show based on whatever that day’s topic happens to be. Also popular at Sunday School picnics, Outreach events, especially Messy Church! Let the kids and adults alike develop various Circus skills (spinning plates, juggling, flowerstick etc) in a session! On request, I can perform a 10min Christian Juggling show as part of the workshop at no extra charge (very happy to do so!) More details on my Circus Skills workshops here.
Ladies Fellowships / Women’s Institutes / Seniors Holiday Clubs
If you have a Group in your Church that meet regularly or for a Week during the Summer, then I can be hired to deliver a Talk on the History of the History of the Circus (with a brief Circus Skills taster session afterwards so the audience can try spinning plates), or a Gospel Juggling Show.
Fetes, Fayres, Fund-Raisers, Open Days, Fun Days etc
Providing a mixture of Circus Skills Workshops (drop-in or timetabled), Christian Juggling Shows and Walkabout entertainment for whatever your event may be. Parachute games, fire and glow juggling entertainment are also available and worth considering!
Training Session – How to perform Christian Juggling
If you have a group of Christians and would like them to learn some outreach performance skills, then this course is ideal! It suits a group of approx 5-15 participants, and is run as either a 1 day (5hr) or 2 day (10hr) session. Time is split between helping participants gain experience in using all the Circus Skills equipment (learning to juggle, diabolo, devilstick, speedcups, poi, plate spinning and a multitude of other props), and the other part of the course focusses on understanding how to perform Christian Gospel Juggling and how to write/adapt routines for your target audience. More details on this specially created page Christian Juggling Training course.
Juggler for a Day / Weekend
Useful for Christian Festivals and Church Retreats. Hire Steve to do a number of different activities such as putting on Circus Skills Workshops, as well as performing his 1hr One Man Gospel Juggling Show, taking part in worship/outreach activities and teaching how to perform Gospel Juggling over the course of a day or more! By using all of Steve’s different activities on offer throughout your event, you can definitely add a wide range of activities to your programme!
Badge Workshops
If you are a leader of Rainbows/Brownies/Guides, BB/Girls Brigade, Cubs/Scouts/Explorers/Beavers, then you may be pleased to know that they have Badges that can be worked towards through the running of Circus Skills Workshops. Please visit my Brownies/BB/Scouts page for further details.
Suitable for every type of Church: My juggling performances can be used no matter what church denomination you belong to: baptist, methodist, church of england, catholic, etc. I am first and foremost a Christian, before any denominational tag is placed upon my ministry! For your information, I was brought up in the Church of Scotland and now attend a Baptist Church. You can read my full personal testimony here.
Suitable for Secular work also! Useful if you just require a Circus Skills Workshop or good clean entertainment at your event without a Christian Message performed.
“Steve was able to use his skills to tell the Christmas story and the reason Jesus came into our world through to his death, resurrection and when He was taken up to heaven…The children and adults were awed by this novel introduction to the traditional Christmas worship.”
“Your talent of giving your testimony while demonstrating circus skills is truly amazing. I will keep in touch and look forward to working again with you on the near future”