Ball Games for Kids Groups – Gameslist

Ball Pass

Children stand in a circle, one child has the ball and he passes it to the person on his left. The first child tries to run round the circle and back to his place before the ball is passed around the circle. You may wish to award the child a point if he makes it back before the ball.

Ball Pass

Children stand in a circle, one child has the ball and he passes it to the person on his left. The first child tries to run round the circle and back to his place before the ball is passed around the circle. You may wish to award the child a point if he makes it back before the ball.


Ball Passing

Children stand in a line and pass the ball in various ways e.g. Over the head or/and Under the legs. The last child takes the ball and goes to the front of the line and begins again.


Crab Football

Have 2 teams – with players assigned a number in each team. Line up teams sitting along opposite sides of the hall to each other, with a set of “goals” (e.g. chair legs) at each end of the hall. Place a ball in the centre of the hall floor. The Leader shouts out a number – the child from each team with that number (e.g. No.6 from team A and No.6 from team B) has to chase the ball while in the shape of a crab (hands and feet touching the ground (stomach facing up) to try and score a goal.


Dodgy Ball

Leader tries to hit the Children (below the knee) with a ball. When a Child is hit, he/she becomes a helper, and is allowed to pick up the ball and catch people out. The game continues until there is just one child left.

Variations:  Fixed area e.g. Badminton Court

Combine with any version of Tig

Leaders/helpers can’t run with ball

2 teams opposite each other – hit an opposing team member and they come on your team.



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Head & Catch

Children stand in a circle. The leader stands in the middle with a ball. The leader then throws the ball to each child in turn saying either “head” or “catch”.

  • If you say “Head” the child has to catch the ball.
  • If you say “Catch” the child has to head the ball.

Alternative : do it with “Catch” & “Drop”


Stop The Ball

Children are divided into 2 teams (or 4 if lots of kids). Divide the hall with chalk marks in half (or quarters if you have 4 teams). Each team stands in it’s own half (or quarter) and a ball is thrown into the air. Teams must try and stop the ball hitting the floor in their half by hitting it with their arms/legs/head, no catching allowed. It’s a simple version of volleyball without a net. Make up your own scoring system. Add multiple balls.



One team stands in a circle with one person in the middle and they have a ball. The other team stand in a line. The person with the ball has to throw the ball to each person in the circle, who pass the ball back to the middle. This counts as one point. If you drop the ball, you have to start counting at zero again. The team have to rack up as many points as they can while the other team have to run (one at a time) with a baton around the circle to the end of the line. The baton is then passed to the front of the line, and the next person runs. The game ends when the last person has run round the circle. The points that the other team have when the game is finished is their final score. Alternatively re-start counting at zero after a drop and it’s the highest amounts of catches during the game that is used.


Dodgy Ball Tig

Children who are IT have a red football each. There should also be an equal number of green footballs amongst the remaining children. IT kids throw red footballs at other kids, if they hit them below the waist they must stand still with their legs open. To free them a green football must be thrown between their legs.


Advanced Dodgy ball

Dodgy ball except when a child is hit (all below the waist) they have to grab the area that the ball hits with one hand. When they are hit again they have to do the same except with the other hand. Hit again and they’re out.


Circle ball

Children stand in a circle with their feet wide apart touching the neighbouring children’s feet. A ball is pushed around the circle by using your hands, with the aim of getting it through someone’s legs, whilst others protect the space with their hands. Once a ball goes out of the circle that child loses a point/goes out the game and circle closes.


Footcuffed Football

Football (for teenagers) except their feet are tied together, making running and kicking difficult. This evens out the difference in heights and capabilities. Falling over is very likely though!

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